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United States Rivers

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Red River of the South - North Fork

StatesOklahoma (184 mi), Texas (89 mi)
Length273.6 miles
Watershed Length*1,173 miles
MouthRed River of the South Gulf of Mexico


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Name Distance
from Mouth
Bronco Creek1941616
Buffalo Creek1722121
Elk Creek7092163
Little Turkey Creek1711616
Long Creek1521818
McClellan Creek23198116
Otter Creek292493
Red River of the South - Elm Fork8856232
Starvation Creek1621818
Stinking Creek231818
Sweetwater Creek18188127
Tepee Creek722323
Timber Creek1462020
Turkey Creek1561919
Watercourse ‐ ‐ ‐ Watershed

* Note: Watershed is mostly rivers/streams 15+ miles in length.

Data from United States Geological Survey