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United States Rivers

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Little River

StatesArkansas (78 mi), Oklahoma (147 mi)
Length225.4 miles
Watershed Length*1,201 miles
MouthRed River of the South Gulf of Mexico


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Name Distance
from Mouth
Black Fork1873232
Buck Creek771616
Cloudy Creek1682727
Cossatot River4189147
Cypress Creek1402323
Glover River1293377
Honobia Creek2112121
Hudson Creek81818
Lick Creek311717
Lukfata Creek1041919
Mine Creek222525
Mountain Fork8798195
Mud Creek991919
Rolling Fork7354147
Saline River2483138
Turkey Creek1551515
Yashau Creek1022020
Yellow Creek51919
Watercourse ‐ ‐ ‐ Watershed

* Note: Watershed is mostly rivers/streams 15+ miles in length.

Data from United States Geological Survey