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United States Rivers

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Koyukuk River

Length553.8 miles
Watershed Length*5,513 miles
MouthYukon River Northeastern Pacific Ocean


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Name Distance
from Mouth
Alatna River459220595
Batza River3692020
Cutoff Slough2203232
Dagitli River1254141
Dakli River2424782
Dulbi River148169276
Dulbi Slough15674215
Gisasa River56100100
Henry Creek4353232
Henshaw Creek48021113
Hogatza River295214294
Hughes Creek3818181
Huslia River20249390
John River527141363
Kanuti River443221639
Kateel River80160362
Koyukuk River - Middle Fork55475206
Koyukuk River - North Fork554116243
Koyukuk River - South Fork493178425
Mathews Slough35720165
Nikolai Slough2038104
Three Day Slough894866
Wild River5366969
Woodyard Creek364646
Watercourse ‐ ‐ ‐ Watershed

* Note: Watershed is mostly rivers/streams 15+ miles in length.

Data from United States Geological Survey