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United States Rivers

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Licking River

Length302.5 miles
Watershed Length*1,169 miles
MouthOhio River Gulf of Mexico


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Name Distance
from Mouth
Banklick Creek52020
Beaver Creek802222
Beaver Creek1881919
Blackwater Creek2071717
Caney Creek2211919
Elk Fork2231515
Flat Creek1301717
Fleming Creek1093939
Fox Creek1453030
Grassy Creek31156
Johnson Creek933030
Kincaid Creek471818
Licking River - North Fork728686
Licking River - North Fork1972121
Licking River - South Fork5266327
Salt Lick Creek1712020
Slate Creek1496060
Triplett Creek1742349
Watercourse ‐ ‐ ‐ Watershed

* Note: Watershed is mostly rivers/streams 15+ miles in length.

Data from United States Geological Survey