
Page 2 of 3, showing 100 records out of 254 total

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Code Name Code 3 Num 3
HN Honduras HND 340
HK Hong Kong HKG 344
HU Hungary HUN 348
IS Iceland ISL 352
IN India IND 356
XI Indian Ocean 000
ID Indonesia IDN 360
IR Iran, Islamic Republic of IRN 364
IQ Iraq IRQ 368
IE Ireland IRL 372
IM Isle of Man IMN 833
IL Israel ISR 376
IT Italy ITA 380
JM Jamaica JAM 388
JP Japan JPN 392
JE Jersey JEY 832
JO Jordan JOR 400
KZ Kazakhstan KAZ 398
KE Kenya KEN 404
KI Kiribati KIR 296
KP Korea, Democratic People's Republic of PRK 408
KR Korea, Republic of KOR 410
KW Kuwait KWT 414
KG Kyrgyzstan KGZ 417
LA Lao People's Democratic Republic LAO 418
LV Latvia LVA 428
LB Lebanon LBN 422
LS Lesotho LSO 426
LR Liberia LBR 430
LY Libya LBY 434
LI Liechtenstein LIE 438
LT Lithuania LTU 440
LU Luxembourg LUX 442
MO Macao MAC 446
MK Macedonia, the former Yugoslav Republic of MKD 807
MG Madagascar MDG 450
MW Malawi MWI 454
MY Malaysia MYS 458
MV Maldives MDV 462
ML Mali MLI 466
MT Malta MLT 470
MH Marshall Islands MHL 584
MQ Martinique MTQ 474
MR Mauritania MRT 478
MU Mauritius MUS 480
YT Mayotte MYT 175
MX Mexico MEX 484
FM Micronesia, Federated States of FSM 583
MD Moldova, Republic of MDA 498
MC Monaco MCO 492
MN Mongolia MNG 496
ME Montenegro MNE 499
MS Montserrat MSR 500
MA Morocco MAR 504
MZ Mozambique MOZ 508
MM Myanmar MMR 104
NA Namibia NAM 516
NR Nauru NRU 520
NP Nepal NPL 524
NL Netherlands NLD 528
NC New Caledonia NCL 540
NZ New Zealand NZL 554
NI Nicaragua NIC 558
NE Niger NER 562
NG Nigeria NGA 566
NU Niue NIU 570
NF Norfolk Island NFK 574
MP Northern Mariana Islands MNP 580
NO Norway NOR 578
OM Oman OMN 512
XP Pacific Ocean 000
PK Pakistan PAK 586
PW Palau PLW 585
PS Palestine, State of PSE 275
PA Panama PAN 591
PG Papua New Guinea PNG 598
PY Paraguay PRY 600
PE Peru PER 604
PH Philippines PHL 608
PN Pitcairn PCN 612
PL Poland POL 616
PT Portugal PRT 620
PR Puerto Rico PRI 630
QA Qatar QAT 634
RE Réunion REU 638
RO Romania ROU 642
RU Russian Federation RUS 643
RW Rwanda RWA 646
BL Saint Barthélemy BLM 652
SH Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha SHN 654
KN Saint Kitts and Nevis KNA 659
LC Saint Lucia LCA 662
MF Saint Martin (French part) MAF 663
PM Saint Pierre and Miquelon SPM 666
VC Saint Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 670
WS Samoa WSM 882
SM San Marino SMR 674
ST Sao Tome and Principe STP 678
SA Saudi Arabia SAU 682
SN Senegal SEN 686